When to Put Out Hummingbird Feeders

when to put out hummingbird feeders - featured image

When do hummingbirds migrate? That is a question that many bird lovers ask. And, when to put out hummingbird feeders so you’ll have the best chance of feeding and nourishing them on their journey as well as enjoying their quick, fascinating movements. You can’t just put out your feeders in the spring and expect hummers … Read more

Where Do Hummingbirds Sleep?

where do hummingbirds sleep featured image

The Hummingbird is a tiny, brightly colored bird that may be found throughout the Americas from Alaska south to Tierra del Fuego, with the majority of these little creatures living in the tropics. Hummingbirds are beautiful little creatures that are exciting to watch. They move so quickly and elegantly from feeder to flowers, searching out … Read more

How to Hang A Suet Feeder: 6 Helpful Tips

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It can be hard to attract birds in your yard, so getting a suet feeder is a great way to start, especially if you want to feed backyard birds in the winter weather.  Suet feeders are easy enough to find at the pet supply store, but hanging them correctly can be difficult for some people. … Read more

Best Bird Feeders for Apartments and Condos

Many people want to feed birds but feel that they don’t have a place for it, particularly if they live in an apartment, high-rise apartment or condominium complex, or other type of common dwelling. I’ve been a resident of both types of communities and they have many benefits. It can seem a bit difficult, though, … Read more

What Does It Mean If You See a Cardinal?

what does it mean if you see a cardinal

You’re sitting in your backyard, enjoying a relaxing summer day. Suddenly, a cardinal lands on the branch of a nearby tree and perches there for several minutes. Your heart skips a beat as you realize that this is one moment you’ll never forget! But what does it mean if you see a cardinal? In moments … Read more

How to Select the Best Oriole Feeder

how to select the best oriole feeder

If you’ve ever tried to attract orioles, you know it can be tricky. The bright songbirds are usually easy to spot in the trees as they flit from branch to branch looking for food and building their nests high above the ground. They’re a familiar sight with their black heads and orange bodies that contrast … Read more

How to Identify Birds with Red on Their Head

birds with red on their head

It’s not always easy to tell the difference between birds with red on their head. There are so many different types of birds in our world, and they all have something in common. The color red! But it can be hard to identify which type of bird you’re looking at if you don’t know what … Read more

What Do Robins Eat? Best Tips to Keep Them Coming Back

what do robins eat?

What do robins eat? It seems so simple. If you put some basic bird food out for robins in your backyard, they will come, and they will eat. Right? Well, we can’t just assume that any type of bird feed will work for robins. They have particular likes and dislikes, and if you offer them … Read more

How Long Before Birds Come to a New Feeder?

how long before birds come to a new feeder

Feeding wild birds is a wonderful way to enjoy nature, but it can be hard to know exactly when the birds will start showing up. So we’re going to help answer the question, how long before birds come to a new feeder? It’s not uncommon for people who love feeding birds to spend their whole day … Read more

What Are the 7 Life Cycles of a Bird?

life cycles of a bird

Birds are much more than pretty creatures that fly around during the day. They too have a life cycle with seven unique stages, which play an important role in their ability to survive and thrive.  These different changes in the birds’ lives impact them as individuals, as well as how they help keep bird populations … Read more