Woodpeckers are fascinating wild birds that can be found in many parts of the world. They are known for their unique method of foraging for food – pecking at tree bark to find insects.
Woodpecker diets vary depending on the season, but they typically eat a variety of insects, including ants, beetles, and grubs. In this article, we will discuss what woodpeckers eat and how to feed them in your backyard!
Woodpeckers are certainly interesting creatures. They are interesting to watch as they fly from tree to tree in search of insects. It is also interesting to watch them use their beaks to drill into trees in search of food. And it is certainly interesting to listen to the sound of their beaks hitting the tree trunk!
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Woodpeckers Are Insectivorous Birds
What does it mean when we say that woodpeckers are insectivorous birds? Insectivorous simply means that the diet of these birds consists primarily of insects. So, if you see a woodpecker eating an insect, you can be sure that it is not doing so because it is looking for a tasty treat – it is simply following its natural diet.
Woodpeckers are not the only insectivorous birds, of course. Many other types of birds also eat insects as part of their diet. However, woodpeckers are perhaps best known for their love of insects.
Many people are surprised to learn that woodpeckers don’t just eat insects. In fact, food preferences vary depending on the woodpecker species .
Some woodpeckers, like the red-bellied woodpecker, are primarily granivorous, meaning they eat mostly seeds and nuts.
Others, like downy woodpeckers, are mostly insectivorous, eating mostly ants, beetles, and caterpillars.
Do woodpeckers eat baby birds? The great spotted woodpecker will eat the eggs and chicks of other birds if the parents are not there.
And still others, like the hairy woodpecker, are omnivorous, eating both insects and plant material.
What Do Woodpeckers Eat?

If you want to feed woodpeckers, here are some of their preferred foods.
1. Woodpeckers will eat insects, larvae, spiders, and centipedes that they find crawling under the bark of trees.
2. Woodpeckers will also eat suet cakes, nuts, berries, and fruits.
3. You can sometimes see them eating acorns, pine nuts, or small peanuts that have fallen to the ground. Some woodpeckers will store food in holes in trees and under rocks, including dead insects, acorns, nuts and seeds, and berries.
4. In the spring and summer months, woodpeckers will eat many different types of insects, including ants, beetles, and wasps.
5. During the fall and winter, when insect populations are lower, woodpeckers will switch to a diet of seeds, nuts, and berries. They are particularly partial to black oil sunflower seeds.
6. Woodpeckers have been known to eat the eggs of other birds, as well as small lizards, snakes, and frogs.
7. If you put out a bird feeder, you may see woodpeckers eating sunflower seeds or Niger thistle seed.
8. Nectar isn’t just for hummingbirds. Woodpeckers will also drink the nectar from hummingbird feeders if the openings are large enough, as well as from nectar-producing flowers.
9. In captivity, woodpeckers have been known to eat mealworms, crickets, and other types of live food.
As you can see, woodpeckers have a varied diet that includes both insects and plants. Their diet changes with the seasons, as they eat different types of food depending on what is available.
What do woodpeckers eat depending on the season? Let’s take a closer look!
The Seasons Affect the Woodpecker’s Diet
What do woodpeckers eat in the spring?
Spring is a time of new beginnings, and that includes what woodpeckers eat. In the spring, woodpeckers will search for and eat tree sap as that is what may be most available to them.
In later spring and into early summer, woodpeckers eat mostly insects, such as beetles, ants, and caterpillars. Woodpeckers also eat spiders, millipedes, and other small invertebrates. These insects are high in protein and help the woodpecker as they are breeding.
What do woodpeckers eat in the summer?
If you’re lucky, you might spot a woodpecker pecking away at your backyard trees. Woodpeckers are fun to watch, but you might wonder what they’re eating. In the summertime, woodpeckers feast on insects, including beetles, caterpillars, and ants. They also enjoy eating spiders and other small invertebrates.
To find their food, woodpeckers use their long, sticky tongues to lick tree bark and holes in the wood. You can sometimes see them sticking their tongues out as they search for a meal.
What do woodpeckers eat in the fall?
As the weather gets colder and the leaves start to fall, you might be wondering what our little friend the woodpecker eats. Well, luckily for them, they are able to find food in a variety of ways. One way is by pecking at trees to find insects that are hiding inside the bark.
Another way is by eating the fruit of certain trees and shrubs. And last but not least, they are also known to eat acorns, which are a type of nut. So if you see a woodpecker this fall, don’t be surprised if it’s eating something other than insects!
What do woodpeckers eat in the winter?
When the temperatures drop and the snow starts to fall, you might be wondering what do woodpeckers eat in the winter season? While these birds are mostly known for eating insects, they actually have a pretty varied diet. In the winter, woodpeckers will feast on tree seeds, berries, and nuts.
They are also known to eat suet blocks. Suet is a type of fat that is often used in bird feeders. So if you’re wondering what you can do to attract woodpeckers to your yard this winter, putting out a bird feeder filled with suet is a good option. You might even be lucky enough to see one of these amazing birds up close!
What do baby woodpeckers eat?
They will be fed by their parents, and eat regurgitated insects for the first few weeks of their life.
Best Backyard Feeders for Woodpeckers

You might be surprised to learn that not all bird feeders are created equal. In fact, some types of bird feeders are better suited for feeding specific types of birds.
For example, woodpeckers are particularly fond of suet feeders. Suet is a type of animal fat that is high in calories and easy for woodpeckers to crack open.
You can find suet feeders at your local hardware or home improvement store, or you can find some of the best selling suet feeders right here!
Another good option for feeding woodpeckers are peanut feeders filled with peanuts. Peanuts are another favorite food of these birds, and tube feeders can be hung from a tree limb or attached to a window. Just avoid the salted or flavored nuts.
A platform feeder or tray feeder works well for feeding woodpeckers. Platform feeders are flat and open, making it easy for woodpeckers to perch and eat. Whatever type of bird feeder you choose, make sure it is sturdy and well-made – woodpeckers can be pretty determined when they’re looking for a meal!
Tips for Feeding Woodpeckers
You can bring these amazing birds right to your backyard by following a few simple tips. Woodpeckers are some of the most fascinating creatures in the bird world, and they are relatively easy to attract to your yard if you provide the right food and habitat. Here are five tips to get you started:
1. Offer a variety of foods, including suet cakes, peanuts, peanut butter, sunflower seeds, and fruits.
2. Place the feeders in areas where there are trees or other structures that the woodpeckers can use for perching and nesting.
3. Keep the feeders clean and free of moldy or spoiled food.
4. In winter, provide thawed berries or other fruits as a source of water.

What is the best type of bird feeder for woodpeckers?
Suet feeders and tube feeders are a good option, or you can try a platform feeder or tray feeder depending on the type of food you’re going to place for the woodpeckers.
What do baby woodpeckers eat?
They will be fed by their parents, and eat regurgitated insects for the first few weeks of their life.
What type of food should I put out for woodpeckers?
A variety of foods, including suet cakes, peanuts, peanut butter, sunflower seeds, and fruits.
How often should I clean my bird feeders?
You should clean your bird feeders at least once a week to remove moldy or spoiled food.
Do woodpeckers eat in the winter?
Yes, woodpeckers will still visit your yard in the winter if you provide thawed berries or other fruits as a source of water.
What is suet?
Suet is a type of animal fat that is high in calories and easy for woodpeckers to crack open. You can find suet feeders at your local hardware or home improvement store, or you can find some best selling feeders right here!
Do woodpeckers eat peanuts?
Yes, peanuts are another favorite food of these birds, and tube feeders can be hung from a tree limb or attached to a window. Just avoid the salted or flavored nuts.
What is a platform feeder?
A platform feeder is flat and open, making it easy for woodpeckers to perch and eat.
Do woodpeckers eat insects?
Yes, woodpeckers eat a variety of insects including beetles, ants, and caterpillars. They will also eat spiders, snails, and millipedes.
Conclusion: What Do Woodpeckers Eat?
Woodpeckers are a common sight in yards across the country, and for good reason – they’re amazing backyard birds! These little guys have a varied diet that includes insects, fruit, nuts, and seeds.
You can attract woodpeckers to your yard by putting out a variety of bird feeders filled with their favorite foods. Suet feeders and tube feeders are a good option, or you can try a platform feeder or tray feeder.
Just be sure to keep the feeders clean and free of moldy food, and provide thawed berries or other fruits in the winter as a source of water. With a little effort, you can have woodpeckers visit your yard all year long!