What to Feed Bluebirds

If you’re a bird lover, chances are you’ve been captivated by the beauty of bluebirds. These bright and colorful birds are a beloved sight for many, and attracting them to your yard is a great way to enjoy their company up close.

But when it comes to feeding these feathered friends, you might be wondering what to put out for them. After all, bluebirds have specific eating habits and preferences.

In this post, we’ll explore what to feed bluebirds, as well as the foods to avoid, so you can keep these stunning wild birds happy and healthy all year round.

We’ll also cover tips for attracting these backyard birds to your property, and the best types of feeders to use. So let’s dive in and learn how to create the ultimate bluebird feeding experience.

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Foods that Bluebirds Find in Their Natural Environment

blluebird eating an insect

Bluebirds are a beautiful and captivating bird species that are popular among bird lovers all over the world. As with any pet or animal, a proper diet is essential for their survival and well-being.

In the wild, bluebirds thrive on a diet of insects, fruits, and berries, which provide them with the necessary nutrients and energy they need to live healthy and happy lives.


Bluebirds eat insects. They love insects, in fact, and are the main part of a bluebird’s diet. They consume beetles, spiders, and caterpillars. They will even grab a cricket in mid-air.

Bluebirds find these insects by perching on a branch, listening for their prey, and then swooping into action. They also find these insects by observing the ground for any movement. Insects contribute to a high-protein diet, providing the energy necessary for their daily activities.

Fruits and Berries

Berries and fruits also form part of a bluebird’s diet. During the summer, bluebirds enjoy eating wild berries. Bunchberries, blueberries, grapes, and raspberries are the most nutritious fruits that bluebirds prefer.

They are rich in vitamins and sugars, and they help the bird fatten up for their migration during the colder months. Once the fall arrives then the bluebirds switch to the serviceberries that grow along fields and forest edges, such as juniper berries, currants, and hackberries.

Nuts and Seeds

Bluebirds eat nuts and seeds mainly in the winter when there is a lack of natural insect food. Nuts and seeds are packed with nutrients that help generate a lot of body heat. In the fall, these birds will feed on acorns and pine seeds.

In the wintertime, they will dig into the pine cones to extract the hidden seeds. Bluebirds will also visit bird feeders situated in backyards to obtain the seeds.

Other Sources

Bluebirds like to have some variety in their diet, and they tend to use their environment to find a diverse range of foods. For instance, they get suet from animals such as deer and squirrels. They will even look for mealworms and beetles in the dung of livestock.

Bluebirds require a diverse food selection so they are ready for any type of weather or scarcity of food.

What to Feed Bluebirds

bluebird eating a berry

Do you want to attract beautiful bluebirds to your backyard garden? Feeding them the right food is essential. These little birds are known for their stunning blue plumage, which makes them a favorite among bird lovers. They are also great at controlling insects, making them great allies for gardeners. But what should you feed them?

1. Mealworms

Bluebirds adore mealworms. They are high in fat and protein, which makes them a perfect food source for these active birds. You can either buy them at a pet store or order them online. You can also set up a mealworm farm at home and produce them yourself.

Once you attract bluebirds to your garden, you can set up a feeding station with a dish of mealworms. Be sure to change the dish regularly and keep it clean.

Here are some popular choices in mealworms for feeding bluebirds in your backyard:

2. Berries

Bluebirds love berries, especially during the breeding season. You can plant blueberry bushes, elderberry shrubs, and holly trees to attract them. These fruits contain antioxidants and vitamin C, which are essential for their health.

You can also hang berry-filled bird feeders in your garden. Just make sure to choose high-quality fruits that are suitable for birds.

3. Insects

As mentioned earlier, bluebirds are great at controlling insects such as grasshoppers, beetles, and caterpillars. You can help them by creating a bug-friendly habitat in your garden.

Avoid using pesticides and herbicides that can harm insects and birds. You can also install nesting boxes in your garden to encourage bluebirds to nest in your yard.

4. Nuts and Seeds

Although bluebirds primarily feed on insects, they also enjoy nuts and seeds. You can put out sunflower hearts, cracked corn, and peanut butter for them.

Did you know that bluebirds have a particular preference when it comes to their dining options? According to experts, bluebirds show an inclination towards sunflower hearts rather than the more commonly found sunflower seeds.

These little birds have a knack for picking out the best and highest quality food, and they seem to have quite a discerning palate. Not only do sunflower hearts offer a more convenient option for bluebirds, as they require less effort to consume and digest, but they also provide a higher nutrient value. 

However, be careful not to overfeed them. Bluebirds need a balanced diet that includes mainly insects and fruits.

5. Bread? It’s a ‘no’

You should avoid feeding bluebirds bread at all costs. Bread is not suitable for birds and can cause serious health problems. Instead, stick to foods that are natural and healthy for them.

Avoid feeding them processed foods and foods that are high in salt, sugar, and fat. Hmmm…sounds like a healthy lifestyle choice for humans, too. 🙂

Birdfeeders That Bluebirds Will Use

If you’re hoping to attract bluebirds to your backyard, the type of bird feeder you use can make all the difference.

Bluebirds prefer to dine on mealworms, suet, or small seeds like millet or nyjer, so it’s best to choose a feeder that offers these types of food. A platform feeder or ground feeder that allows bluebirds to search for their meal from the safety of the ground is a great choice.

However, avoid using tube feeders with small perches, as bluebirds have larger bodies and cannot cling to the sides like smaller birds can. Additionally, avoid using hummingbird feeders or nectar feeders, as bluebirds are insectivores and won’t be interested in the sugary solution.

By selecting the right type of bluebird feeder for your bluebird friends, you’ll be able to attract bluebirds and enjoy the beauty of these blue-feathered birds in your backyard.

Here are some of the current best-selling bluebird feeders:


Do bluebirds like peanut butter?

Yes, bluebirds do like peanut butter. It is a great source of fat and protein for these birds, so they enjoy it as an occasional treat.

What fruits do bluebirds eat?

Bluebirds enjoy eating a variety of fruits such as blueberries, raspberries, grapes, and bunchberries. These fruits are rich in vitamins and sugars, which help the birds fatten up for their migration during the colder months.

What do baby bluebirds eat?

Baby bluebirds are fed by their parents on a diet of insects such as beetles, grasshoppers, and caterpillars. This protein-rich diet helps them to grow healthy and strong. Adults will also feed mealworms to the chicks for an extra boost of nutrition.

Do bluebirds prefer live or dried mealworms?

Bluebirds prefer live mealworms. They are high in fat and protein, which is essential for the birds’ health. Live mealworms also provide a fun challenge for bluebirds as they have to hunt down their food. You can buy them at pet stores or order them online.

What type of feeder should I use for my bluebirds?

The type of feeder you use for your bluebirds is important. Bluebirds prefer to dine on mealworms, suet, or small seeds like millet or nyjer. A platform feeder or ground feeder that allows them to search for their meal from the safety of the ground is a great choice.

Something Special for Bluebird Lovers

If you or someone you care about has a special affection for bluebirds, why not carry them with you in your day-to-day life? This lovely Eastern Bluebird Watercolor collection has been uniquely designed and is available on a variety of functional and useful products.

They make thoughtful gifts, too!


Feeding bluebirds is an enjoyable activity for any bird lover. Not only are they beautiful birds to watch, but they also offer great benefits for your backyard garden. By providing the right food and using the appropriate type of feeder, you can attract these stunning birds to your yard and enjoy their company.

Just remember to avoid feeding them bread and processed foods that can be harmful. With the right food and feeder, you can create a safe haven for bluebirds and watch them thrive in your backyard!