Backyard Birds of Michigan: 20 Species to Learn More About

Michigan is a great place to bird watch. With its many different habitats – from the Great Lakes to the forests of the Upper Peninsula – there is no shortage of birds to see.

In this blog post, we will highlight 20 of Michigan’s backyard birds, including which ones stay all year and which ones migrate. We’ll also include fun facts about each species!

So whether you’re a beginner or an experienced birder, this post is for you.

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Michigan Attracts a Wide Variety of Backyard Birds

Michigan is a great place for bird watching because the state is home to such a diverse array of bird species. In fact, over 400 different types of birds have been recorded in Michigan!

There are many reasons why Michigan is such a welcoming environment for birds, including the state’s diverse landscape and climate.

Michigan is home to both deciduous and coniferous forests, as well as open fields, wetlands, and lakes. This variety provides birds with a wealth of different habitats to choose from. Additionally, the state’s climate is relatively mild, which helps to attract a wide range of migratory birds.

Whether you’re a casual bird watcher or a serious ornithologist, you’re sure to find plenty of feathered friends in Michigan. Here are just a few of the backyard birds you might encounter in the Great Lakes State.

Migration Habits of Michigan Backyard Birds

Birds that do not migrate

Michigan is home to a great many bird species, and among them are several that stay put even when the snow starts to fly. These tough little birds are well-adapted to the cold weather, and they can often be seen scrounging for food in backyards and parks even when the thermometer dips below freezing.

Some of the most common winter birds in Michigan include:

  • American robin
  • American Goldfinch
  • Black-capped chickadee
  • Blue jay
  • Downy woodpecker
  • Northern cardinal
  • Tufted titmouse
  • White-breasted nuthatch

These birds may not be the most colorful or exotic, but they add a touch of warmth to the winter landscape.

So next time you see a little bird braving the cold, take a moment to appreciate Michigan’s winter wonderland.

Birds to See in the Summer Months

Here are some of the more common species of backyard birds you’ll see when the Michigan weather is warmer:

  • Red-winged Blackbird
  • Song Sparrow
  • Common Grackle,
  • Barn Swallow
  • Eastern Kingbird
  • Yellow Warbler
  • Indigo Bunting,
  • Baltimore Oriole,
  • Ruby-throated Hummingbird

20 Species of Backyard Birds in Michigan

1 | American Robin

american robin

The American Robin is ubiquitous in the area, filling the air with its melodious song and adding vibrant color to lawns and gardens across the state. With its distinct orange breast, black head, and white eye-ring, this species of bird is a local favorite among bird enthusiasts.

The American Robin is an average-sized songbird; they typically grow to be anywhere from 8-11 inches long and weigh between 2-3 ounces. They have a plump body shape with a fairly long tail. Their wingspan can reach up to 16 inches!

In terms of diet, Robins typically eat worms and insects such as grasshoppers, beetles, caterpillars, ants, and more. They also enjoy consuming berries in the late summer and early fall months. 

Robins typically build their nests in trees or shrubs that are close to the ground or on buildings like houses or barns. The nests are made from mud mixed with grasses and other fibers that are available near the nest site. Nests are often lined with soft materials such as hair or feathers for insulation.

As for feeders, Robins prefer flat surfaces like tables or platforms where they can easily access food without having to cling to an object while eating. Suet, peanuts in shells, mealworms in trays – these types of feeders attract Robins quickly!  

You don’t have to travel far to find them; American Robins can be found across Michigan in urban parks, rural woodlands, and even your backyard!

2 | American Crow

american crow

The American crow is a large-bodied bird with glossy black feathers that are often blue or purple in direct sunlight. They have long wings and short legs, with a very distinct tail. Adult crows measure between 17 and 21 inches long from head to tail and weigh between 12 and 18 ounces. 

American crows are omnivorous scavengers who will eat almost anything they can get their beaks on! This includes insects, carrion, grains, fruits, nuts, eggs, small animals, and even garbage. You may spot them rummaging through your garbage cans or even raiding other birds’ nests for eggs or chicks.

Crows create their nests using twigs high up in trees about 10-25 feet off the ground. The female lays 3-6 eggs per nest which hatch after 16 days of incubation by both parents – though more often the female broods while the male brings her food during this time. 

American crows are highly adaptable creatures which means they can live almost anywhere! In Michigan, they prefer wooded areas such as forests, fields, and parks but they are also commonly spotted near farms, households, and urban areas due to their scavenging habits.

If you want to attract them to your feeder station be sure to include lots of unsalted nuts such as peanuts or sunflower seeds along with some fruit like apples or oranges – be careful not to overfill your feeders though as crows will quickly become territorial over their food supply! 

3 | American Goldfinch

american goldfinch

The adult American Goldfinch sports a bright yellow plumage with black on its forehead and wings, making it one of the most easily recognizable birds in North America. It has a short forked tail, a short conical bill, and measures 4-5 inches (10-13 cm) in size. The male goldfinches are typically slightly larger than the females.  

This species of bird is omnivorous and feeds mostly on seeds from grasses, weeds, thistle, ragweed, sunflowers, and other plants with small seeds.

They usually nest during the spring months (April through July), building cup-shaped nests lined with thistledown feathers near tree branches or shrubs or even in dense vegetation such as tall grasses or herbaceous plants. 

American Goldfinches prefer open hopper feeders filled with nyjer (thistle) seed since these feeders offer easy access to their favorite food source! Be sure to place your feeder at least 6 feet away from any existing trees or shrubs so it stays visible against any potential predators lurking nearby.  

The American Goldfinch can be found all across Michigan—from Detroit up to Mackinac Island down through Ann Arbor—and anywhere else where there are open fields filled with thistle seed.

4 | Baltimore Oriole

baltimore oriole

The Baltimore Oriole is a beautiful species of bird found in Michigan. With its bright orange and black feathers, it’s easy to spot. But there’s more to this feathered friend than meets the eye! Let’s get to know the Baltimore Oriole a little better. 

The most recognizable feature of the Baltimore Oriole is its vibrant orange and black coloration. It has an orange head, chest, and back with black wings and tail feathers. Its beak is curved slightly downward in an almond shape and its eyes are dark brown or black. All in all, they usually measure between 7-8 inches long! 

Orioles mainly eat insects, fruits, and nectar. During springtime when they migrate through Michigan they also enjoy eating suet cakes as well as jelly from bird feeders. Orioles prefer feeding from open trays instead of tube feeders because these provide larger perches for them to stand on when feeding. 

Orioles like to nest in trees near water sources such as rivers or ponds – but are also known to nest in urban areas too! They build large nests out of grasses, string, hair, mosses, leaves and pine needles that are woven together with spider webs so that they can hang from branches or twigs. These nests can take up to two weeks to build! 

Where Can You Find Them In Michigan? The best places to find Orioles in Michigan include parks with a lot of trees near water sources such as rivers or ponds. You can also find them near wetlands where there are plenty of insects for them to snack on! 

5 | Black Capped Chickadee

black capped chickadee

The Black Capped Chickadee gets its name from its distinctive black head with white cheeks. Its back and wings are gray-brown, and its underside is light gray. The entire bird is only about 4 to 5 inches long and weighs just half an ounce. Yes, we just have to call it cute!

Despite its small size, it has plenty of energy, often flying from tree to tree in search of food or nesting materials. 

The Black Capped Chickadee primarily eats insects and seeds, although they can also feast on fruit when available. During the winter months, they will flock to feeders filled with sunflower seeds or suet.

In fact, these birds can be quite aggressive when it comes to feeding time—they’ll chase away larger birds such as blue jays or cardinals if they feel that their food source is being threatened!  

Black Capped Chickadees prefer cavities for nesting—either natural ones such as hollowed-out trees or artificial nest boxes provided by humans. They build their nests using materials like grasses, mosses, fur and feathers which are bound together with spider webs or plant resins.

The female will lay anywhere from five to nine eggs which hatch after 12 days of incubation. After hatching, both parents will help feed the chicks until they are ready to leave the nest at around 16 days old. 

In addition to providing them with nesting sites, you can also attract these birds to your backyard by placing a feeder filled with sunflower seeds or suet near your house or yard trees where they tend to congregate.   

6 | Blue Jay

blue jay

The Blue Jay is a strikingly beautiful bird with blue, black, and white feathers. It has a large crest on its head and a long tail. Its wingspan is typically 11-13 inches long and it weighs around 2.5-3 ounces—about the size of an apple! 

The Blue Jay’s diet consists mostly of nuts, fruits, insects, and other small animals. They are especially fond of peanuts, pecans, sunflower seeds, wheat berries and millet. They can be found in forests as well as backyards making them a great addition to any bird watching enthusiast’s list. 

Blue Jays build their nests in trees or shrubs ranging from 10-25 feet off the ground. They prefer nesting locations that offer good views of their surroundings so they can spot predators quickly. They are also very territorial so they will defend their nest aggressively if threatened. 

Blue Jays prefer hopper or tray feeders rather than a hanging feeder. They also enjoy utilizing birdbaths to drink from.

As for where you can find them in Michigan, the Blue Jay population is widespread throughout southern Michigan. However, they can occasionally be spotted further north near Traverse City during migration season.  

7 | Common Grackle

common grackle

The Common Grackle has a glossy black body with a long tail and bright yellow eyes. It has an iridescent sheen that can sometimes appear green or purple depending on the light.

The feathers are usually darker in males than in females, though both genders have a distinctive yellow-greenish patch on their wings. Males also tend to be larger than females, but both average around 11 inches long with wingspans of up to 20 inches! 

You can find these beautiful birds almost anywhere from Detroit to Grand Rapids to Traverse City — anywhere there are trees and open water. They prefer wooded areas near rivers or lakes, but they also inhabit suburban backyards and parks as well as agricultural fields.  

In other words, if you live in Michigan and want to spot one of these beauties, odds are good that you won’t have far to look!  

The Common Grackle is an omnivore which means it eats both plants and animals. Its diet consists mainly of insects, small mammals, grain seed, berries, fruits, and nuts — basically whatever is most convenient for it to find at any given time, including your garbage! They like sunflower seeds which makes them frequent visitors at bird feeders during cold winter months when food sources become scarce.    

The Common Grackle nests high up in trees where they build cup-shaped nests out of twigs and grasses lined with softer materials such as animal fur or feathers. The nesting season is usually from May through August when pairs will stay together until fall migration begins again. 

Common grackles can be found throughout most of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula including Detroit Metro Area, Lansing Area, Grand Rapids Area, Flint Area, and even as far north as Traverse City near Lake Michigan’s shores! They love open fields with scattered trees for nesting spots but can also be found near human settlements looking for food sources during winter months when other food sources become scarce.

8 | Downy Woodpecker

downy woodpecker

The Downy Woodpecker is quite small, measuring in at only 6-7 inches long and weighing between 0.7 and 1 ounce. It is primarily black and white in color with a red patch on the back of its head (which is larger on males than females). Its bill is short, round, and slightly curved. Its wings are barred with white markings, making them easy to spot in flight.  

The Downy Woodpecker prefers open deciduous woodlands for nesting and foraging for food. Its diet consists mainly of insects—such as beetles, caterpillars, and ants, as well as fruits like berries or nuts from trees like maples and oaks.

They also visit suet feeders during the winter months when food sources are scarce or covered in snow. 

Due to its wide range across North America, it should come as no surprise that the Downy Woodpecker can be found all over Michigan! They often make their homes in suburban areas where there are plenty of trees for nesting and ample food sources nearby like insects or bird feeders full of suet or birdseed mixes specifically designed for woodpeckers. 

9 | Eastern Bluebird

eastern bluebird

The Eastern Bluebird is mainly identified by its beautiful blue plumage. Males tend to have a brighter blue color than females, who are usually a bit duller in hue. Its wingspan spans 9-11 inches long, making it one of the smaller birds you may see in your backyard. 

The Eastern Bluebird enjoys feasting on insects like grasshoppers, beetles, dragonflies, crickets, and caterpillars—all of which can be found in abundance during the spring and summer months. It also enjoys eating various fruits like cherries, blueberries, and mulberries when these become available during the late summer and early fall months. 

During the early spring months (March – April), Eastern Bluebirds begin building their nests in cavities or birdhouses that are located close to open fields or meadows, up to 50 feet off the ground. In some cases, they may use abandoned woodpecker holes or tree stumps as well. They typically lay 3-7 eggs per clutch that hatch after two weeks of incubation. 

When putting out feeders for your feathered friends in your backyard, you should consider investing in a hopper feeder with a tray below it for ground-feeding birds like the Eastern Bluebird. If these feeders prove too popular with other larger birds such as doves or cardinals, you can try adding small perches around the top part of the hopper feeder so that only smaller birds can access it.

In terms of habitat, they prefer open fields or meadows where they can easily find food sources like insects or berries while sitting atop fence posts or low branches nearby. 

You’ll be able to spot these lovely little birds all over Michigan during different times of the year; however, they are especially common along river shores and wetlands near Lake Huron and Lake Erie during the summertime migration season (May-July). 

10 | European Starling

european starling

European starlings are fairly small birds with glossy black feathers, short yellow bills, and long pointed bills. They measure about 8 inches in length from head to tail. During certain times of the year, their feathers will also have hints of white or green iridescence—a pretty sight to behold! 

The European starling is an omnivore, meaning it will eat just about anything it can get its beak on—including insects, fruit, grains, and seeds.

During nesting season (April through August), these birds will build nests using grasses and weeds. They usually nest in trees or cavities like old woodpecker holes but may also use man-made structures like mailboxes or light fixtures if they feel comfortable enough with their surroundings. 

If you’d like to attract these birds to your backyard or garden, the best way to do so is by offering them food via a bird feeder filled with seeds or suet. European starlings tend to prefer hanging feeders as opposed to tray-style feeders because they want extra protection from potential predators while they eat.

You can find these birds all over Michigan but they are most prevalent in the southern half of the state near cities such as Detroit and Grand Rapids. 

11 | House Finch

house finch

The house finch is a medium-sized songbird that measures around five inches in length. It has a brown upper body with dark streaks, while its underside is usually a pale yellow color. Its head and neck are reddish-brown and its wings have white patches when seen from behind. Males tend to be brighter than females. 

House finches are seed eaters that prefer sunflower seeds, millet, cracked corn, thistle seed (also known as nyjer), peanuts, safflower seeds, and other similar foods. They tend to rest on low tree branches or fences during the day and eat from bird feeders in the morning and evening.

During nesting season—which runs from mid-April through August—they build their nests in trees or on covered porches or window ledges using twigs, grasses, wool fibers or animal fur as material. 

House finches can be found throughout most of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula. That said, they’re especially common throughout southeastern Michigan due to the abundance of food sources in the area such as bird feeders and open fields filled with wild grains like millet or grasses filled with seed heads that they can feed on.

You may also spot them at parks or gardens where there are plenty of trees or bushes for them to nest on. 

The house finch prefers tube feeders as well as hopper feeders that hold larger amounts of food for them to eat throughout the day.

12 | House Sparrow

house sparrow

House sparrows are small birds. They have a grayish-brown back and wings and a white chest with black markings. Their head is light brown with a distinctive black stripe that runs from the eye down to the neck. A house sparrow has a bright yellow beak and black legs and feet. 

The house sparrow primarily feeds on seeds and insects, but it will also eat grains, fruits, and vegetables. This means that they can happily enjoy both wild bird feeders as well as your backyard vegetable garden!  

House sparrows are cavity nesters—which means they prefer to build nests in cavities or crevices like tree holes, stumps, rocks, or walls. They will also use nest boxes or other man-made structures for nesting sites. In urban areas, they might build nests inside buildings or underneath roof eaves or bridges.                              

House sparrows have no specific preference when it comes to bird feeders; any type of feeder will do just fine!

For best results, make sure that your feeder is filled with their favorite foods like sunflower seeds, millet, and cracked corn. You should also provide fresh water for them so that they can take regular baths to keep their feathers clean and healthy.  

13 | Mourning Dove

morning dove

Mourning Doves have a slender body and a small head with an inconspicuous crest on top. They have grayish-brown feathers on their back, wings and tail with a slightly darker color on their neck. The underside of their wings is gray while their chest is whitish-gray with pinkish tones.

Male and female mourning doves are nearly indistinguishable from one another, but males tend to be slightly larger than females. On average, they measure 12 inches long with a wingspan of 18 inches. 

Mourning Doves feed primarily on seeds found on the ground such as grains, weeds and grasses. They rarely eat insects or worms unless food is scarce during winter months. In addition to natural sources, many people choose to supplement these birds’ diet using bird feeders filled with sunflower seeds or other grain-based treats. 

A pair of mourning doves will often mate for life, and it’s not uncommon to see them cuddling with each other.

During breeding season (April through August), mourning doves prefer to nest in shrubs or low trees near open fields or residential areas where they can find plenty of food sources. Many will also use man-made platforms like gutters, window ledges, or mailboxes if given the opportunity.

Nests are typically constructed out of twigs and lined with fine grasses which may contain up to 2 white eggs per clutch (in rare cases 3). Incubation takes approximately 14 days before hatching occurs and fledglings learn to fly after only 12 to 15 days from hatching!  

Mourning doves can be found throughout Michigan, but especially in rural areas surrounded by farmland and open fields where there’s plenty of space for them to roost and hunt for food sources throughout the year. 

14 | Northern Cardinal

northern cardinal

The northern cardinal is a medium-sized songbird that boasts vibrant red plumage with black accents around its face and wings. Cardinals are quite sociable and typically travel in pairs or small flocks. They have an impressive repertoire of songs and calls that they use to communicate with their mates and other cardinals nearby. 

Cardinals eat seeds, insects, fruits, berries, nuts, suet, nectar, and mealworms. You can attract cardinals to your yard by setting up feeders specifically for them filled with sunflower seeds or cracked corn.  Alternatively, if you have fruit trees or berry bushes on your property, the birds will likely come around to snack on those naturally occurring foods as well.  

Northern cardinals will typically begin nesting in April or May depending on the weather conditions in the area where they live. They build their nests low to the ground out of twigs lined with grasses and other soft materials like pine needles.

Cardinals usually lay between two to four eggs per clutch which hatch after 11-13 days of incubation by both parents. Once hatched, both parents also share feeding duties until the babies fledge after another 10-12 days (give or take).  

This species is known for being quite territorial when it comes to protecting its nest from predators such as cats or hawks. If there is any perceived danger near their home turf they become very vocal! 

15 | Red-Winged Blackbird

red-winged blackbird

The male Red-Winged Blackbird stands out from other birds due to its unique coloring. Its body is mainly black with a bright red or yellow patch on each wing. The female Red-Winged Blackbird is smaller than the male and has duller coloring, comprised of brownish-black with white spots on her wings.

Both sexes have dark eyes and long pointed bills. On average they measure 8-9 inches in length and have an 18 inch wingspan. 

Red-Winged Blackbirds prefer to eat insects such as grasshoppers, beetles, spiders, caterpillars, ants and crickets in the warmer months, but they also enjoy eating seeds from grasses, grains, fruits and berries as well as waste grain found in cornfields or around livestock feeders in the winter.

They will typically feed from open trays or ground feeders but can also be attracted to tube feeders that are filled with sunflower seed or millet. 

These birds usually build their nests near water sources such as wetlands or marshes in tall marsh vegetation like cattails or reeds but they can also be found nesting in agricultural fields or even residential yards that contain large trees for shade.

Their nests are typically made up of woven grasses lined with wet leaves and decayed wood, which forms a sort of plaster. Incubation lasts anywhere between 12 to 14 days. They lay anywhere between 2 to 4 eggs per clutch which hatch within 24 hours of each other.  

16 | Red-Bellied Woodpecker

red-bellied woodpecker

Red-Bellied Woodpeckers are small to medium-sized birds with a length of 7.5 to 9 inches. They are easily identified by their distinctive black and white spotted feathers, long wings, and large heads with a red cap on top. The back of their heads is also covered in red feathers, while the belly is all white.

The wings are mostly black but have white spots on the edges that can be seen during flight. The tail feathers display alternating bands of black and white stripes that run vertically down the length of each feather.  

Red-bellied Woodpeckers prefer an omnivorous diet consisting of insects such as beetles, spiders, and ants, as well as fruits such as berries and nuts like acorns or beechnuts. They will also feed on suet and other types of birdseed from backyard bird feeders. In addition to finding food on plants or trees, they often use their strong beaks to drill into rotten wood to access grubs inside for food.  

Red-bellied Woodpeckers tend to nest in dead trees or decaying deadwood such as snags or stumps located near open areas with plenty of trees for protection from predators such as hawks or owls. They will also sometimes build nests inside hollowed-out cavities within live trees if available near a food source or open area providing cover from predators.  

The female typically lays 4 to 6 eggs that are incubated over a period of almost two weeks before hatching occurs These birds will often return to the same nesting site year after year if it’s safe enough for them to raise their young successfully without disruption from predators or humans nearby.  

The Red-bellied Woodpecker can be found throughout most parts of Michigan including cities such as Detroit, Flint, and Grand Rapids where there are plenty of wooded areas nearby offering shelter and sustenance for this species of bird. Birdwatchers should look out for these birds year-round near wooded areas or parks since they tend not to migrate very far south during the winter months when food sources may become scarce due to colder temperatures making it difficult for them to find sustenance outside their normal habitats. 

If you want even better chances at spotting one make sure your backyard has plenty of trees along with some type of birdfeeder that offers suet or other types of birdseed so you can attract these lovely creatures right into your own backyard!  

17 | Ruby-Throated Hummingbird

ruby-throated hummingbird

The Ruby-Throated Hummingbird has an unmistakable appearance. It’s typically about three inches long (or about 7 cm) with a wingspan of about four inches (or 10 cm). Its feathers are mostly green or grey with a bright red throat patch, which gives it its name.

Depending on the light, it can appear to have an iridescent quality due to its bright colors! It also has a long, thin bill and a very fast wingbeat—it’s capable of beating its wings up to 80 times per second! 

The Ruby-Throated Hummingbird primarily feeds off nectar from flowers and various insects, such as aphids and spiders. Its diet is supplemented by sugar water that can be found at many bird feeders throughout Michigan.

As for nesting habits, they usually build their nests on top of a branch rather than where the branch forks, and use dandelion or thistle down secured with pine resin or spider silk strands. When finished (it can take up to 10 days to complete), it’s about 2 inches x 1 inch They prefer to nest around late spring through early summer and usually lay two eggs inside their nest. 

The Ruby-Throated Hummingbird can be found throughout Michigan during the spring and summer months when they migrate north from Central America for mating season. During this time, they can be seen flitting around flower gardens or perching on backyard bird feeders or branches near bodies of water. 

They are known to visit backyards throughout Michigan where they make themselves at home while feeding on whatever food source they find there – whether it’s nectar from flowers or sugary water from hummingbird feeders! 

18 | Song Sparrow

song sparrow

The Song Sparrow is a medium-sized sparrow with a round body and a long tail. It measures between 5 and 6 inches long, with a wingspan of 8-10 inches, and typically weighs between 18 and 30 grams.

The Song Sparrow has brown or gray upper parts with dark streaks, a white belly, and white outer tail feathers that are often visible when it takes flight. Its bill is short, thick, and yellowish-brown in color. 

This species prefers open woodlands near water sources such as marshes or creeks where it can find its favorite foods—seeds, insects, snails, spiders, berries, and other fruits. In Michigan, it nests near lakeshores, wetlands, farm sheds, parks—anywhere there is suitable habitat for nesting materials like grasses or twigs. 

The Song Sparrow readily visits backyard bird feeders filled with seeds such as millet or sunflower seeds. They also love mealworms which attract them to suet feeders, and enjoy a variety of fruits, insects, and seeds.

You’ll find the song sparrow throughout Michigan all year round but its population increases during migration periods from April through May and September through October when these birds flock south for the winter months.  

19 | Tufted Titmouse

tufted titmouse

The Tufted Titmouse is a small bird, measuring only 5-6 inches long with an 8-9 inch wingspan. It has an overall grayish color with a white underbelly, black face mask, large black eyes, and rust-colored flanks.

The most identifying feature of the Tufted Titmouse is the tuft of feathers that protrudes from the top of its head; this tuft can be raised or flattened depending on the bird’s mood. When startled or alarmed, these birds will often raise their tufts and spread their tail feathers in an impressive display meant to ward off predators. 

Tufted Titmice are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. They prefer eating insects like caterpillars, spiders, grasshoppers, and beetles along with nuts, seeds, and berries.

They nest in tree cavities or nest boxes lined with grasses, leaves, and pine needles, and will use other soft materials such as hair, cotton, or wool. They typically make their nests from late April through June each year. Their clutch will be from 4 to 8 eggs, with an incubation period of around 14 days.

Tufted Titmice are common across much of Michigan during the summer months when many species migrate north for the breeding season; you can find them in deciduous forests throughout most of the state as well as some coniferous forests in northern Michigan.

In winter months they may also be found in residential areas where food sources are more plentiful than in rural areas. So if you’re looking for a feathered friend during winter months, keep your eyes peeled – you just might spot one!  

20 | White Breasted Nuthatch 

white breasted nuthatch

The White Breasted Nuthatch has a gray back and wings with white underparts and black barring on its wings and tail feathers. It sports an unmistakable black line running down its forehead, along with a gray cap and white cheeks.

This species can reach up to 5 inches in length, making it one of the smaller birds that call Michigan home. 

The White Breasted Nuthatch’s diet consists mainly of insects, as well as nuts, seeds, and berries when available. During nesting season (typically from May to July), it will build its nest in cavities in tree trunks or rotting wood fences—so keep an eye out for these structures if you’re looking for them! 

If you want to attract White Breasted Nuthatches to your backyard, suet feeders are your best bet. Fill them with suet mixtures that contain nuts as well as sunflower seeds—they’ll love it!  Be sure to place your feeder close to trees or other natural sources of cover; this will ensure they feel safe while they feed.  These birds typically visit feeders around midday during the winter months when food is more scarce. 

You can find White Breasted Nuthatches all over Michigan, but they tend to prefer heavily wooded areas near water sources such as rivers or lakes. They are also commonly spotted at parks, nature preserves, and residential neighborhoods that have plenty of foliage. Keep an eye out for their distinctive call — it sounds like “yank-yank” —which will help you spot them during your outdoor adventures!                                       

How to Attract Birds to Your Michigan Backyard         

If you want to bring birds into your backyard in Michigan, the best way to start is by providing them with a reliable source of food and water.

Setting up bird feeders filled with sunflower seeds or suet will attract many different types of birds to your yard. It’s also important to remember that fresh water is essential for healthy birds, so make sure to have a clean bird bath or another source of drinking water easily accessible in your backyard.

Additionally, planting native shrubs and trees can provide additional shelter, nesting sites, and natural foods.

Conclusion: Backyard Birds of Michigan

Michigan is home to an abundance of beautiful and diverse backyard birds, each with its own unique characteristics, as we’ve discussed above. Whether you’re looking for a winter friend or want to attract nesting species in the summer months, providing food sources such as suet feeders filled with high-quality suet and seed feeders with sunflower chips are great ways to get started.

Additionally, by planting native shrubs and trees around your yard, you can provide additional shelter and natural foods that will ensure these feathered friends have everything they need! With just a few simple steps, you can create your own private oasis full of Michigan’s beloved backyard birds.